
Preview of Attenborough and the Jurassic Sea Monster

Follow Sir David Attenborough and a team of forensic experts as they unearth the fossil of a giant Pliosaur, the largest Jurassic predator ever known.

Preview of Attenborough and the Jurassic Sea Monster


  • Wild Ireland: Kingdom of Stone: asset-mezzanine-16x9

    Wild Ireland: Kingdom of Stone

    S42 E17 - 53m 27s

    Follow the story of a pine marten as she takes us on a journey through a landscape of grey stone called the Burren, home to some of Ireland’s most enchanting wildlife.

  • Saving the Animals of Ukraine: asset-mezzanine-16x9

    Saving the Animals of Ukraine

    S42 E16 - 53m 29s

    In the midst of violence and war, Ukrainian citizens are coming together to rescue animals that have been left behind by those forced to flee.

  • Grizzly 399: Queen of the Tetons: asset-mezzanine-16x9

    Grizzly 399: Queen of the Tetons

    S42 E15 - 53m 18s

    Known only by her research number, Grizzly 399 has been a fixture in Grand Teton National Park since 2007, becoming the world’s most famous grizzly bear. Now 399 is raising four new cubs in the face of human encroachment, a warming climate and the threat of losing protection under the Endangered Species Act.

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